The compelling, heart-wrenching story of high school football star Chris Carnales, whose life changed when he became paralyzed after breaking his neck in a football game. Chris soon learned of…
In BrasÃlia, the modern capital of Brazil, an anteater is found dead by the side of a road, a boa constrictor wanders across the suburbs, and foxes prowl vacant streets….
A documentary about the making of David Fincher’s 2008 film THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON. Virtually every element in the evolution of the Fincher’s film is documented here, from…
In 2018, filmmaker Zach Meiners discovered that his former conversion therapist was still practicing. Struggling with the trauma of his own experience, Zach began an endeavor to amplify and empower…
An audition for men aged between 16 and 99. There are no props nor make-up, just pure improvisation. All that is required is the willingness to engage openly with the…
100UP is a film which investigates the will to live. It portrays a colourful selection of 100+ year old people from all over the world. They have lived for over…
Bill Gates, the extraordinarily successful American business leader and philanthropist. One of the best-known entrepreneurs, who started a business out of a tiny space and grew it into one of…
The journey of A SINGLE FRAME weaves an exploration of the impact of photography from both sides of the shutter. The fascinating post-war culture of Kosovo serves as backdrop.