After refusing big and prestigious awards all over the world, Mr. Mantovani, Literature Nobel Prize winner, accepts an invitation to visit his hometown in Argentina, which has been the inspiration…
The lord and lady of a capacious manor are killed, and the lord’s ghost seems to have returned to knock off the staff one by one, causing Inspector Winship and…
An advertising executive and his temperamental wife sail to Hawaii in search of business. The fifth entry (of eight) in the “Mexican Spitfire” comedy series.
Four couples, all friends, descend on a tropical island resort. Though one husband and wife are there to work on their marriage, the others just want to enjoy some fun…
Bill and Ginny are invited by a naturalist friend to take care of his home in Africa while he is away, and they find themselves adopted by three orphan elephants.
Mary and Ben are the star-crossed black sheep of two powerful families engaged in a centuries-long feud. When the pair reignite a romance after many years apart, their forbidden love…
When three women go to stay with their long-time gal pal, they get more than they bargained for when they discover their friend’s missing husband is still in the house…
At nearly 400 pounds, Tracy Orbison is a wide target. When he sets out to pursue his dream of acting, the grocery clerk finds an assortment of people waiting to…