Doctor Who Confidential is a documentary series created by the British Broadcasting Corporation to complement the revival of the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Each episode was…
As midnight falls, all manner of terror invades the Earth. Demons, cannibals, killers, ghosts and monsters swarm the world in these tales of the supernatural, the fantastic, and the just…
Doctor Faustus is Christopher Marlowe’s most renowned and controversial work. Famous for being the first dramatised version of the Faustus tale, the play depicts the sinister aftermath of Faustus’s decision…
A biography of Ian Dury, who was stricken with polio at a young age and defied expectations by becoming one of the founders of the punk-rock scene in Britain in…
Nikko is a twenty-something man with good friends, a passion for birdwatching, and self-destructive tendencies. When he falls back into a relationship with Stevie—his seductive, aggressive environmental activist ex-girlfriend he…