Detective Matthew Sikes, a Los Angeles police officer reluctantly works with “Newcomer” alien George Francisco. Sikes also has an ‘on again off again’ flirtation with a female Newcomer, Cathy Frankel.
Matt and George investigate a series of strange occurrences involving newcomers, who are found to be programmed to carry out someone’s dirty work. The method by which they are brainwashed…
When detectives Sikes and Francisco are presented with the mysterious death of an Eeno, Matt is stupefied to discover that George rudely snubs the case. He, like most newcomers, reviles…
It’s 1999, and as the end of the millenium approaches, people are attempting to find spiritual enlightenment. But a few people want to skip all the work that entails, and…
Sikes and Francisco are called in to a case when a mysterious young girl, who looks part Newcomer, part human, appears. Her huge, brutish counterpart tries to free her from…
Followup movie to the TV series about 250,000 aliens, or “newcomers” as they are known, who have by now settled alongside the humans in California. Most of the newcomers were…
In the small American town of Orton Creek, David Farmer is accidentally killed by Don Curran, son of town tyrant Will Curran, during a fraternity initiation. The frat boys frame…