A captivating drama set in Maralinga, South Australia, at the height of the Cold War. At a remote army base carrying out British nuclear testing, paranoia runs rife and nuclear…
As dawn breaks on April 25, 1915, ANZAC troops go into battle on the beaches of the Gallipoli peninsula. Landing in the dark chaos, Tolly, Bevan and their mates struggle…
A woman unable to conceive a child with her husband, despite years of trying, makes the drunken mistake of sleeping with a young stranger. The stranger then goes to terrifying…
Ryan Logan, a former Special Forces operative, is battling to cope with life after the loss of his wife. He is thrusted into the criminal underworld to keep his only…
Hannah’s search for her son’s body leads her to sleepy Billins, where her investigations uncover more than she expected and threaten to expose towns dark secrets….secrets that both the living…
A prodigious 15-year-old swimmer with the world at his feet self-destructs after his father is released from prison. Inside of the pool, he lives a life of rigorous perfectionism and…
When an Australian motorcycle gang leader is released from prison, he finds his former deputy on the cusp of giving control of their lucrative drug trade to a rival gang….
When John Doe is convicted of being a vigilante serial killer, a vigilante group named ‘Speak for the Dead’ emerges in support of John’s cause—elevating the debate about justice versus…