What begins as a million-dollar reality show competition between seven beautiful women turns into a battle for life itself when one contestant uses dark magic to gain an edge over…
What would you do if you told the world you heard God’s voice and no one believed you? Steps of Faith, is a light-heart dramedy about Faith Houston an accountant,…
Passengers who search for romantic nights aboard a beautiful ship travelling to tropical or mysterious countries, decide to pass their vacation aboard the “Love Boat”, where Gopher, Dr. Bricker, Isaac,…
Two thieves rob a large fancy house when the owner is away. But when a visitor mistakes them for the owner, and they find out about a casting party mis-scheduled…
Two beach combing-shutterbugs accidentally capture a murder on film. Now detectives, the boys set out to capture a murderess shot only from behind, with a rose tattoo on her behind….
Friday Foster, a magazine photographer, goes to Los Angeles International airport to photograph the arrival of Blake Tarr, the richest black man in America. Three men attempt to assassinate Tarr….